Welcome to Rebirth Hair, the premier manufacturer of high-quality men’s wigs and toupees. With over 38 years of experience and a team of skilled Korean CEOs and technicians, we specialize in providing top-of-the-line products to businesses and distributors around the world.

Our Products

We believe that innovation is key to success in the competitive world of wig manufacturing. As a B2B company, our aim is to help our clients stay ahead of the curve by providing them with innovative, high-quality wig products that meet their specific needs. we offer a range of base designs for our wig products to cater to the diverse needs of our business clients.

Lace Design
  • No PU, All Net
Skin Base Design
  • PU+FM Front, Net Base, Skin Part, MP 7mm Back
Skin & Silk Base Design
  • PU Front, Net & Silk Base, PU Back
Thin Skin Base Design
  • All Thin Skin
Silicone Base Design
  • Skin+Silicone+Front Net V2 Knotting